Performance and Benchmark Results
Performance and benchmark results of the SNPHTPJ7C/32G Dell 32GB 3200MHz PC4-25600 CL22 ECC Reg DDR4 SDRAM 288Pin Ram can vary based on several factors including:
- Computer configuration: The overall performance of the memory will depend on the specs of the rest of the computer components such as the CPU, graphics card, and motherboard.
- Benchmarking software: The specific benchmarking software used can impact the results obtained.
- Workload: The performance of the memory will also be affected by the type of workload it is being used for.
However, in general, the SNPHTPJ7C/32G should deliver improved performance compared to slower DDR4 memory, with faster data transfer speeds and improved stability due to the ECC (Error Correction Code) feature.
To get a more accurate understanding of the performance and benchmark results of the SNPHTPJ7C/32G, it is recommended to run a variety of benchmarks using different software, and compare the results to similar DDR4 memory products.
Power Efficiency and Energy Savings
The SNPHTPJ7C/32G Dell 32GB 3200MHz PC4-25600 CL22 ECC Reg DDR4 SDRAM 288Pin Ram is generally considered to be energy-efficient, as DDR4 memory uses less power than previous DDR generations.
Compared to DDR3 memory, DDR4 typically operates at a lower voltage, which reduces power consumption and generates less heat. This can result in lower energy costs and reduced cooling requirements, which can improve the overall energy efficiency of the computer system.
Additionally, the ECC (Error Correction Code) feature of the SNPHTPJ7C/32G can improve the reliability of the memory and reduce the likelihood of data corruption, which can lead to improved stability and reduced risk of system crashes.
Note that the actual power efficiency and energy savings of the SNPHTPJ7C/32G will depend on various factors, such as the specific computer configuration and the workload being performed. It is recommended to monitor the power consumption of the system during various tasks to get a more accurate understanding of the energy efficiency of the memory.
Error Correction and Data Integrity
The SNPHTPJ7C/32G Dell 32GB 3200MHz PC4-25600 CL22 ECC Reg DDR4 SDRAM 288Pin Ram features Error Correction Code (ECC) technology, which is designed to improve the reliability and stability of the memory by detecting and correcting data errors.
ECC works by adding extra bits of information to each memory transaction, allowing the system to detect and correct single-bit errors in real-time. This can help to prevent data corruption and reduce the risk of system crashes caused by memory errors.
ECC memory is particularly useful for critical applications such as servers, workstations, and databases, where data integrity is of the utmost importance.
General Information
- Brand Name: Dell
- Type: Memory (RAM)
- RAM Type: Pc4-25600
- Product Name: 32GB 2rx4 DDR4 Rdimm 3200MHZ 16GB Base Memory Module
Technical Information
- Storage Capacity: 32GB
- Memory Technology: DDR4 SDRAM
- Number Of Modules: 1 X 32GB
- Bus Speed: 3200mhz / Pc4-25600
- Data Integrity Check: Ecc
- Signal Processing: Registered
- Cas Latency Timings: Cl22
- Rank Features: 2rx8
- Form Factor: 288-pin Rdimm
Physical Characteristics
- Dimensions (W X D X H) : 8.89 X 19.81 X 1.91 Cm (3.5 X 7.8 X 0.75 In)
- Weight: 0.45 Kg (1 Lb)
- This Product Is Compatible With The Following Systems:
- Poweredge C4140
- Poweredge C6420
- Poweredge C6520
- Poweredge C6525
- Poweredge Fc640
- Poweredge M640
- Poweredge Mx740c
- Poweredge Mx750c
- Poweredge Mx840c
- Poweredge R440
- Poweredge R450
- Poweredge R540
- Poweredge R550
- Poweredge R640
- Poweredge R650
- Poweredge R650xs
- Poweredge R6515
- Poweredge R6525
- Poweredge R740
- Poweredge R740xd
- Poweredge R740xd2
- Poweredge R750
- Poweredge R750xa
- Poweredge R750xs
- Poweredge R7515
- Poweredge R7525
- Poweredge R840
- Poweredge R940
- Poweredge R940xa
- Poweredge T440
- Poweredge T550
- Poweredge T640
- Poweredge Xr11
- Poweredge Xr12
- Poweredge Xr2