Performance and compatibility
Performance of the HPE 64GB Pc4-21300 2666Mhz Ecc Reg Quad DDR4 SDRAM 288-Pin Dimm Ram will depend on several factors including the system it is being used in, the processor and other components within the system, and the workload the system is being used for. In general, however, this RAM is designed to provide high performance and fast data transfer speeds, making it well-suited for use in high-demand applications such as data centers, servers, and high-end workstations.
Compatibility of this RAM is determined by the system it is being used in. It is important to check the compatibility with the motherboard and the processor. This RAM module is a 288-pin DIMM, which is a common form factor for DDR4 RAM. It also has a PC4-21300 speed rating, which is compatible with systems that support DDR4 memory at speeds of 2666 MHz. Additionally, it is ECC (Error-Correcting Code) memory, which means it is designed to detect and correct data errors, making it well-suited for use in mission-critical applications where data integrity is of the utmost importance.
It is also important to check the number of RAM slots available on the motherboard and the maximum memory capacity that is supported by the system.
Features and benefits
The HPE 64GB Pc4-21300 2666Mhz Ecc Reg Quad DDR4 SDRAM 288-Pin Dimm Ram has several features and benefits that make it well-suited for use in high-demand applications.
- Large Capacity: With 64GB of memory, this RAM module provides ample memory capacity for running multiple applications and storing large amounts of data.
- High Speed: With a speed rating of PC4-21300 and a clock speed of 2666 MHz, this RAM provides fast data transfer speeds, helping to improve overall system performance.
- Error Correction: The ECC feature of this RAM helps to detect and correct data errors, making it well-suited for use in mission-critical applications where data integrity is of the utmost importance.
- Reliability: The RAM is manufactured by HPE, which is a reliable and well-known brand in the industry.
- Compatibility: The 288-pin DIMM form factor and PC4-21300 speed rating make this RAM compatible with a wide range of systems that support DDR4 memory.
- Low Power Consumption: DDR4 RAM is designed to consume less power than DDR3 RAM which results in less heat generation and improved power efficiency.
- Quad channel: It is a quad channel RAM, which provides better bandwidth and increased performance when used with a compatible motherboard and processor.
- Registered (Reg): This RAM is registered, which helps to improve signal integrity and reduce the chance of data errors.
All these features and benefits of this RAM module make it well-suited for use in high-demand applications such as data centers, servers, and high-end workstations.
Installation and Setup
Installing and setting up the HPE 64GB Pc4-21300 2666Mhz Ecc Reg Quad DDR4 SDRAM 288-Pin Dimm Ram is a relatively straightforward process, but it is important to take certain precautions to ensure that the installation is done correctly.
- Turn off the computer and unplug it from the power source.
- Remove the computer’s cover to access the memory slots.
- Carefully locate the memory slots on the motherboard and identify which ones are to be used for the new RAM.
- Carefully release the retention clips on either side of the memory slot to open it.
- Carefully align the notches on the RAM module with the notches on the memory slot.
- Gently press the RAM module into the memory slot until the retention clips snap into place.
- Repeat the process for any additional RAM modules that are being installed.
- Replace the computer’s cover and plug it back into the power source.
- Turn on the computer and check the amount of memory installed in the system.
It is important to handle the RAM module with care to avoid any damage to the module or the memory slot. It is also important to check the compatibility of the memory with the system and the maximum memory capacity that is supported by the system before installing.
Once the installation is complete, the new RAM should be automatically recognized by the system and the increased memory capacity should be available for use.
General Information
- Manufacturer: HPE
- Part Number: P18959-B21
- Type: Memory (RAM)
- Sub-Type: PC4-21300
- Product Name: 64GB DDR4 SDRAM Memory Module
- Product Type: Ram Module
Technical Information
- Memory Size: 64GBG
- Memory Technology: DDR4 SDRAM
- Number Of Modules: 1 X 64GB
- Chip Organization: X4
- Memory Speed: 2666 Mhz
- Memory Standard: DDR4-2666/PC4-21300
- Signal Processing: Registered
- Error Checking: Ecc
- Cas Latency: Cl19
- Pin Count: 288-Pin
- Voltage: 1.2v
- Form Factor: Lrdimm
- Designed For: Proliant Bl460c Gen10, Dl325 Gen10, Dl360 Gen10, Dl380 Gen10, Dl385 Gen10, Dl388 Gen10, Dl560 Gen10, Dl580 Gen10, Dx380 Gen10, Ml350 Gen10, Synergy 480 Gen10, 660 Gen10.