Introduction to SRKH8 Intel Xeon 38-core Processor
Overview of Processor Architecture
The SRKH8 Intel Xeon 38-core Platinum 8368 Processor is built using the Skylake-SP microarchitecture, which is the latest microarchitecture from Intel for server processors. The Skylake-SP microarchitecture is designed to provide improved performance, efficiency, and security compared to previous microarchitectures.
The processor has 38 cores and 76 threads, which are organized into a multi-level cache hierarchy. The processor’s cache hierarchy consists of a 57MB Smart Cache, which is shared across all cores, as well as separate L1 and L2 caches for each core. The Smart Cache technology provides fast access to frequently used data and helps reduce memory latency.
The processor also features a high-speed interconnect, known as the Intel Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI), which enables high-bandwidth, low-latency communication between the processor cores, memory, and other system components. This interconnect supports speeds of up to 10.4 GT/s per link, enabling fast data transfer between components.
The processor’s instruction set architecture (ISA) is based on the x86-64 architecture and supports advanced vector extensions (AVX) for efficient handling of vector operations. The AVX instructions can perform multiple calculations simultaneously, which makes them particularly useful for computationally intensive workloads such as scientific simulations and machine learning.
Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) is a set of instructions that are designed to perform SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) operations. The SRKH8 Intel Xeon 38-core Platinum 8368 Processor supports AVX, which enables efficient handling of vector operations.
The AVX instructions can operate on multiple data elements simultaneously, which makes them particularly useful for handling computationally intensive workloads such as scientific simulations, image and video processing, and machine learning. By performing multiple calculations simultaneously, AVX can significantly reduce processing times, enabling faster and more efficient processing of large data sets.
The SRKH8 Intel Xeon 38-core Platinum 8368 Processor supports AVX-512, which is an enhanced version of AVX that supports 512-bit SIMD instructions. AVX-512 provides greater parallelism and higher throughput than previous versions of AVX, making it particularly useful for handling complex workloads such as deep learning and scientific simulations.
AVX-512 also supports a wide range of data types, including floating-point, integer, and packed data types, which makes it highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications.
General Information
- Product Type : Server Processor
- Product Manufacturer : Intel
- Product Model : Platinum 8368
Technical Information
- Clock Speed : 2.4GHZ
- Max Turbo Frequency : 3.40GHZ
- Ultrapath Interconnect(UPI) Speed : 11.2GT/S
- No. Of Upi Links : 3
- Instruction Set : 64-bit
- Instruction Set Extensions : Intel® Sse4.2, Intel® Avx, Intel® Avx2, Intel® Avx-512
Cache Memory Detail
- L3 Cache : 57MB
- Lithography : 10NM
- Max Thermal Design Power (TDP) : 270W
- Compatible Processor Socket : Fclga4189
Memory Specifications
- Max Memory Size (dependent On Memory Type) : 6TB
- Memory Types : DDR4-3200
- Maximum Memory Speed : 3.2GHZ
- Max No. Of Memory Channels : 8
- Ecc Memory Supported : Yes
Dimension & weight
- Width: 2.8 Inch
- Depth : 3.9 Inch
- Height : 0.6 Inch
- Weight : 0.50 Lbs